parameter reference:
for "Lego Material for Blender"
This document will list all the different options available in the material, and what those options do.
The default values for the material are:
- Scale: 1.0
- SSS Radius: 0.02
- Randomize Colors: 0.13
- Noise: 0.17
- Fingerprints: 0.6
- Scratches: 0.18
- Randomize UVs: 1.0
- Dust: 0.27
You will probably need to tweak many of the values shown here, depending on the scale and UVs of your bricks.
Base Color:
The color of the material. This is tied to both the main color and the subsurface color
Blue (#0055BF)
Red (#C91A09)
Green (#237841)
Changes the scale of all the textures. This just makes it easier, so you don't have to manipulate your UV Maps to change the texture size.
Scale too large for these bricks (0.5)
Good scale for these bricks (1.68)
Scale too small for these bricks (18.1)
SSS Radius:
Changes the amount of subsurface scattering.
No SSS (0)
Good amount of SSS (0.006)
Too much SSS (0.036)
Randomize Color:
Randomize the material color between objects. This will increase and decrease the brightness of the specified color accross bricks. You should keep this value low, as it's meant to be a very subtle effect. This feature only works when the bricks are seperate objects (or are instanced, like with geometry nodes).
No randomization (0)
Good amount of randomization (0.17)
Too much randomization (0.575)
Adjusts the level of fine grained bumps on the material. Although this value normally only goes to 1, you can increase it further by typing in a value instead. This can be useful when used for the top of slope bricks.
No noise
Good amount of noise (0.17)
Lots of noise (good for slope bricks)(1.3)
Adjusts the strength of the fingerprints. This mostly just makes the fingerprints more visible, but it also adds a very small amount of bump as well. There isn't really a correct value for this parameter, it depends on how grimy you want your bricks to look.
No fingerprints (0)
Default amount of fingerprints (0.6)
Lots of fingerprints (1)
Increases the strength of scratches. This is just bump, no color modulations. Just like fingerprints, this property is subjective, and how high you set it depends on how banged-up you want your bricks to look. The scratches texture is lower-res than I'd like, but it's the best I could find that was CC0. Because of this, you'll probably want to keep the strength low. This will hopefully get fixed in the future.
No scratches
Default amount of scratches (0.18)
Lots of scratches (1)
Vector (UV Map):
Where you need to plug in your "Texture Coordinate" or "UV Map" node. Textures will not appear if you do not have something plugged in here.
Using a Texture Coordinate node
Randomize UVs:
Randomly rotates UV maps accross bricks. This is so tiling is not apparent for bricks that have the same UV maps. This feature only works when the bricks are seperate objects (or are instanced). This should generally be set to either 0 or 1.
No randomization (0)
Randomization (1)
Adjusts the amount of dust. Dust will only appear on the tops of pieces (global Z), and is limited to only small particles for now.
No dust (0)
Default amount of dust (0.27)
Lots of dust (0.6)